Three Must Plant Flowers when Growing For Photography Locations


February 18, 2025

follow @Amberlangerud
Photographer, wife, mom, horse lover, flower grower and farm girl. My number one priority when photographing you is helping you look your best and feel comfortable in front of the camera. 
Meet Amber

Are you inspired to start a photo-flower field? Growing flowers for pictures is so rewarding. When I began this research journey in 2023, I had difficulty finding others growing cut flowers specifically for photography rather than cutting. So, I researched flower farming books, blogs, podcasts, Facebook groups, and any flower farming information I could consume. And I still am.

If you are like me and are growing cut flowers for this less conventional reason of growing a photo-flower field, I wanted to share some resources to get you on the right foot without filtering through all the resources like me. Let’s get started with three must-plant flowers when you are growing for photography locations.

Zinnias with Rudbeckia Trilobia in the background. Photographed here is Benary’s Giant.

1. Zinnia Flowers for Pictures

Zinnias are very popular for good reason. They are easy to grow and very versatile cut flowers. Zinnias can be found in various shapes and sizes (and heights). If you are growing them specifically for photography locations, I recommend picking taller varieties such as Benarys Giant.


  • Easy to grow
  • Can direct sow (I have a short growing season, so I start mine indoors)
  • Bloom all season from summer into fall
  • Wide variety of flower shapes to meet your needs
  • Inexpensive


  • Susceptible to diseases and powdery mildew
  • A more basic flower
  • Foliage is nothing to get excited about

Senior standing in a wave of cosmos. Photographed here is Versailles Mix.

2. Cosmos Flowers for Pictures

Cosmos are a whispy, whimsical, magical flower for photos. Many varieties get quite tall and create a magical backdrop for your clients. They are also easy to grow and have a pretty long bloom window, maybe not quite as long as Zinnias, but they are still worth growing.


  • Tall
  • Gorgeous, wispy, magical
  • Can direct sow (with our short growing season, I also start these indoors)
  • Long bloom window


  • Susceptible to disease
  • For best results, you should deadhead blooms daily
  • May require support so they do not blow over/break off in the wind

The deer ate almost all my sunflowers in 2024, but here is the 2022 sunflower field! These are standard sunflowers you would see in a field along the highway.

3. Sunflowers for Pictures

The classic flower. I have found that sunflowers are a flower many people get excited about. And they do not have to be just yellow; check out all the options the ProCut variety offers.


  • A classic flower that everyone loves
  • Easy to grow
  • Can direct sow (I’ve done both direct sow and start in seed trays)


  • Deer also love them; consider this when deciding where to grow
  • Shorter bloom window (in my experience, around 2 weeks)

Butterfly on an Echinacea flower.

Are you feeling inspired to get out and grow some flowers? I know I am. Seed starting season is such a fun season of possibility.

If you want to book a session among the Amber Langerud Photography blooms, hop on over to the waiting list to ensure you get first access to summer and fall dates! I recommend booking flower field sessions from July – August for the best variety of blooms.

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